Contribute by sharing your local expertise

We are looking for inspirational storytellers. For a good story you will get a one night stay gift card.

What we are looking for

Story criteria

I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Photos & Video

I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

What is in it for you

You get a free gift card for each published article. You can use this in any of our accommodations and it is valid for 7 years.

Start here

Send us a pitch

It all start with an idea. Tell us what you are thinking.

We publish it

You send us the images & videos. We set it all up and publish.

Get a gift card

You receive a gift card for a one night stay in any of our locations.

What we are looking for

You can become a hero


Your story must capture a place’s essence in a way that inspires readers to explore a place they might otherwise have never heard of or considered. There are no limitations on style, as long as the writing is inspiring, colourful, honest and insightful. The writer would have had to personally visited or lived in the place they are writing about. The writer is expected to inform the readers about general must-know about each pace as well as personal recommendations. The stories need to give readers a unique and honest insight into a city, covering the writers personal experience and include some general must-know information. Most New Travelist stories range from 1,500 to 2,500 words, depending on how big the place you’re writing about is. We’re not strict on the length but would ideally like to give readers a detailed view of the place to equip them with useful information in case they choose it as their next destination.


In order to inspire our readers and give them an insight into the different places we would like to include photography as part of the articles. If you do not have photography from the location you want to write about then please get in touch and we can help you source photos for your story. We’re after quality not quantity so please submit photos that are well exposed and creative, be selective and include photos that supplement your story well. Make sure you send a short description or caption for every photo and let us know where you would like it inserted in the article. Please ensure all photos are minimum 2000 pixels wide. If you know how please optimize all files for web but make sure quality is retained. It’s acceptable for a photo at 2000 pixels wide to be anything between 200 and 500KB. If you’re not sure how to optimize let us know and we will do it for you. No dramas.


Make it your own, give it a unique angle. A good story starts with a personal experience, your motivations and a clear idea of what you want to convey to your readers. Here are some ideas to get you started. What motivated you to visit the place? What cultural insights did you gain? What did you find most exciting about the place? Is it unique in any way? What defines the place geographically? What defines the locals and their culture? Subjects could include photography, food, lodgings, backpacking, ecotourism, learning experiences, short getaways, adventure and extreme travel.

What's in it for you

You get a free gift card for each published article

This is an opportunity to be a published author, cited by others. We will feature and credit all contributors and photographers. Most importantly, this is a platform where you can promote a place you feel passionate about which you feel should have a voice and a presence online. You can be its voice inspiring others to follow your journeys.

What we're not interested in

You get a free gift card for one night stay

We’re not looking for stories about whole countries. Our focus is more on a specific place or a sequence of places in your journey. We’re not interested in ‘top-things-to do’ lists. We’re not interested in business reviews or get involved in politics of the place

What is the first step?

Send us a pitch

Please start by submitting a pitch for what you plan to write about. We dont want to get duplicates so we always start by reviewing what you plan to do.

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