Taktu þátt í mótun vaxtarfræa með þinni gluggakistu

Að móta vaxtafræ (growth hacks) snýst um fólk. Við leitum að fólki með þor, áræðni og trú á græna framtíðarsýn. Við bjóðum fólki í matarupplifanir byggða á “Uppskera að morning. Njóttu seinnipartinn”.

Er með fræ

Við skipuleggjum alla okkar markaðsvinnu í kringum vaxtafræ (growth hacks). Mótum þannig farveginn fyrir aðra að vinna með t.d. áhrifavalda, ljósmyndara, bloggara, ferðahönnuði osfrv. 

Við byrjum allt með litlum vaxtarfræum. Náttúrulegur vöxtur er alltaf bestur. Það er okkar hugmyndafræði. Við bjóðum fólki í matarupplifanir sem hafa svipaða sýn og við. 

Byrjaðu með einu litlu fræi í gluggakistunni

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Algengar spurningar

You can book online directly through us by choosing winter (https://www.buubble.com/guided-winter-adventures/) or summer (https://www.buubble.com/guided-summer-adventures/), depending on the time that you will be staying with us. If you need assistance, please reach out to us here. https://www.buubble.com/contact-us/

It is definitely possible to take both tours back to back, and this is popular among our guests. We strongly suggest taking the Golden Circle Tour first, then the South Coast Tour, as this will prevent you from having to drive back and forth to and from Reykjavik between tours. Checkout between tours is still mandatory because each tour ends at a different bubble location.


Between tours, you will either come back to Reykjavik or wait for the tours in Hveragerdi, where our breakfast stop is. The Golden Circle Tour stops at Almar Bakari on the drive back to Reykjavik, and our South Coast Tour passes by here at the start of the tour. Alternatively, you can come back to Reykjavik and spend 45 minutes to an hour at a café/location of your choice.


There is a little bit to see in Hveragerdi. It’s a cute little geothermal town with just a few cafes but nice walking paths through the neighborhoods.

This Bubble location is a 14-minute drive from Selfoss. You will enter the Bubble campus in the parking area at our service house, where you can find toilets/washrooms, showers, and a common area. This service house is located at the base of the hill that leads to the Bubbles. From there, you will take the mulch path up the hill into the woods to find your Bubble. This is a medium-grade upwards incline on a terraced forest path. This path to the Bubbles is approximately a 3-6 minute walk.) From the top of the hill, each Bubble is 1-3 minutes distance away. Each Bubble is nested in its own pine grove, and they are all serviced by the same bathroom facilities. There are two additional bathroom facilities at the top of the hill. A member of our team will show you to your Bubble. 

If you return to the parking lot, you may notice a running stream and horses at the fence. Please do not feed the horses, but feel free to enjoy their company. 

If you are uncomfortable walking an incline, please let our staff know before booking.
You can see a video about this location here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siHHc9JVyco&ab_channel=danandchelle

This Bubble location is a 3-minute drive from Reykholt (please note that there are two Reykholts in Iceland, this one is the one closer to Flúðir). You will enter the Bubble campus in the parking area, right off the road. From here, you can follow the path to the service house, where you can find toilets/washrooms, showers, and a common area. This is a flatter location immediately in the trees, and the paths curl out from this service house. Each Bubble is nested in its own pine grove, and they are all serviced by the same bathroom facility. A member of our team will show you to your Bubble. The closest Bubble is approximately 1 minute from the Service House, and the furthest Bubble is approximately 3 minutes away, near the two additional toilets. 

The Icelandic summer season is a magical thing to experience and an incredible time to explore due to the extended light. The Bubbles are clear in order to limit the distance between you and nature, and they are not outfitted with any curtains. However, we’ll provide you with sleep masks during your stay so that you can snooze like a local and make your own darkness! 

Iceland’s auroral season lasts from mid-August to mid-April. This is the time of year when we are experiencing a dark enough nighttime to see auroral activity. The northern lights happen all the time, but for the rest of the year, it’s too bright to see them properly. 

Our “dark season” spans a whole half of the year, so you have a lot of options for catching an aurora. If you’d like to avoid the majority of the snow, we recommend August-November. 

In order to see the northern lights, you will want to book one of our winter tours. These tours travel to both the Golden Circle and the South Coast—both of which are ideal aurora-watching locations. One of the best ways to catch an aurora is to keep your eyes on the sky- so spending the night in a cozy Bubble is the most comfortable and effective way to do it! 

It’s hard to choose! Both tours feature natural landmarks special to Iceland and Bubble locations of great beauty and quiet. For first-time visitors, the Golden Circle Tour is very popular due to the sheer variety of stops in a short period. This tour visits a waterfall, geyser, and national park. It also includes a soak in a naturally heated lagoon. For the slightly more adventurous, the South Coast Tour is a great choice due to the Bubble location being on top of a remote hill. (But don’t worry, you’ll definitely get your fill of waterfalls and black sand beaches on this one!)

Pickup for visitors occurs in Reykjavik at 12:00 noon for the Golden Circle and 11:30 AM for the South Coast Tour, and depending on the number of guests, pick-up can take up to 30 minutes. Drop off the day after the tour occurs in Reykjavik around 10:30 AM, depending on weather and traffic conditions. Checkout from the Bubbles at 8:30 AM.


Things to consider:

  • Please have your phone on and available at pickup time in the event that the office or guide must reach you. 
  • If you do not have a phone available, please let us know ahead of time. 
  • If you are booked at your pickup accommodation under a different name, please let us know in the event that the office or guide needs to contact the lobby.
  • There is no need to walk to a nearby bus stop location. Our tours are able to pick up directly from accommodations in Reykjavik.
  • Please be at the street entrance for pick up. We are unable to knock/ring the bell at private homes and Airbnbs. 

There are shared restrooms and showers at each Bubble location. 

We can be reached at booking@buubble.com or +354 773 4444 from Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM-5:00 PM GMT. If you are staying in a Bubble and have an emergency, you can also contact the groundskeepers at your location by dialing the number on your ticket. You can also find this phone number on a leaflet in your bubble. In the event of a medical emergency, please dial 112 to reach police, fire, and rescue services.

All bookings are eligible for a partial refund if canceled 48 hours (2 days) prior to the booking date. All bookings made include a 15% non-refundable confirmation fee. Please read our terms and conditions for further details. https://www.buubble.com/terms

Please note that these cancellation terms also apply to airline cancellations and missed or delayed flights.

Date changes can be made up to 72 hours before arrival. If the new date is not available, you can be refunded according to our cancellation terms.